Just Tell Her To Stop:
Family Stories of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are serious biologically based brain disorders. Until recently many believed: wanting to be popular, family situations/ dysfunction, trying to be thin or vanity concerns caused eating disorders. Some brains seem pre-disposed and when triggered, these disorders take on a life of their own and become the most deadly of all mental illnesses.
It is important that everyone learns how to talk about and have a healthy body. Words (the right and wrong ones) we use about diet, weight, food and body image may just trigger these risk factors in certain people. Mothers, fathers, siblings–everyone is affected when their loved one is under the grips of an eating disorder’s strong and pervasive pull.
Just Tell Her to Stop is an amazing collection of stories from families who shared what it is like to live with and support a person with an eating disorder. Mothers, fathers, sibling everyone is affected when their loved one is under the grips of an eating disorder’s strong and pervasive pull.
Author Becky Henry is an “unwilling expert” learning all she can to try and right the wrongs her family experienced in trying to help a child with an eating disorder.
Becky interviewed more than 40 people to tell their story so you know you are not alone and parents are not to blame.
The different perspectives are invaluable to any reader to gain skills, insights, tools, techniques and find support.
Becky has a passion for educating the world about eating disorders to help with prevention. Educate yourself about the disease and how you might be able to prevent, recognize or help people living with eating disorders.
Educators: This book is available for your health sciences students so that they have a working knowledge of the deadliest mental illnesses.
(Professors: Available for students at the e-book rate of $9.97 – contact the Author directly.

Just Tell Her to Stop: Family Stories of Eating Disorders
Author: Becky Henry
Price: $15.95
280 pg. paperback, January 2011 release, 2nd edition scheduled for 2019
Infinite Hope Publishing
“When our sweet, adorable, competitive and very responsible teen-age daughter dramatically changed, I knew something was horribly wrong. The difference in her personality was so drastic I knew it couldn’t just be teenage hormones. I began searching the Internet, looking for clues as to what could be going on with her. My research led me to suspect that she might be depressed or might have bulimia, or maybe both. I naively trusted that our pediatrician would know how to recognize both disorders so I as surprised when she told me that my daughter had neither of them. I persevered and took her to one psychologist, then another, but they also discounted my instincts.”
Mother of teenager with bulimia, and author of this book, as it appears in the Introduction
When families feel frustrated, isolated and alone, which is very common because the disease is often kept as a “family secret,” they need a helpful resource to show them that they are NOT alone…and there is help and people to talk to.
The tips at the end of each family’s story are most helpful.
In Diane’s story, Chapter 16, she wrote:
1. Prepare for a marathon, not a sprint.
2. Fill yourself up so that you have reserves.
3. Learn to set clear boundaries with your child. This is essential, even when, or especially when, your child is very ill. Don’t fall into the “pity trap.”
No stone (or topic) was left unturned, so that all aspects of a family living with a loved one were covered. Who better to tell the stories than those living with, struggling to understand, and dealing with the day-to-day challenges that can be overwhelming, to say the least.
Hope Network, LLC 13033 Ridgedale Dr. #102, Minnetonka, MN 55305 | Phone: 952-451-5663