A Mother’s Day Gift – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

A Mother’s Day Gift – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Describing the love a mother feels for her children is easier said than done. You see those of us who have had the honor of becoming moms/mums never had any idea of the intensity, immensity and unreasonability of the love we would feel for these humans. Seriously, no...

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Recovery Reflection – by Intern Anna

Recovery Reflection – by Intern Anna

It would be such a game changer for family caregivers to know what most clinicians know, which is that full recovery is possible. Even though we don't have an agreed upon clear definition in the field of what "Recovered" actually is. Most agree that "living in...

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Caregiver Burnout Solutions – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Caregiver Burnout Solutions – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Parents and other family caregivers of those with eating disorders often want to give up and/or run away. Anxiety and fear are normal reactions to seeing your child/family member disappear before your eyes. The demands on a family caregiver are so profound I often say...

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Tips for Supporting a Solid Recovery – by, Intern Anna

Tips for Supporting a Solid Recovery – by, Intern Anna

Family caregivers often share their distress about how to continue to support a loved one in recovery when they have stepped down to lower levels of care. It's really hard when we're afraid for our loved one's life to focus on what we can do to support them rather...

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Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery – by Intern Anna

Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery – by Intern Anna

Today Intern Anna is sharing insights on judgments. ~ Becky Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery - by Intern Anna How often do you make judgments about yourself and those around you? If you are being honest, probably quite often. And you aren’t alone. I find...

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It’s Time for Change – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

It’s Time for Change – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Hello, February was a BIG month in the eating disorders field. Not only did we have the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP) conference here in Palm Desert, CA, it's Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) THIS week! It's so big it is in...

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2023 IAEDP Conference Highlights – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

2023 IAEDP Conference Highlights – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Hello Dear Readers, The past few weeks have included driving from Minnesota to California, getting settled back in the USA and this past few days, attending the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP) Conference in Palm Desert where I got...

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Social Media and Recovery Tips- by,  Intern Anna

Social Media and Recovery Tips- by, Intern Anna

This coming week is the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (IAEDP) Symposium here in the CA desert. I'm excited to see colleagues whom I've not been with since 2019. Please let me know if there are questions you'd likee me to ask any of them....

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Rest as a Resolution? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Rest as a Resolution? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Amidst all of the talk of New Years Resolutions and New Year, New You, it can be tempting to judge ourselves and our actions. Sometimes, especially early January when the days are short and cold in the Northern Hemisphere, it can be helpful to just rest and relax. See...

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New Years Wishes for the Weary – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

New Years Wishes for the Weary – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

If you're reading this,  you have survived, hopefully more or less intact...3 years now of this pandemic. We're all weary of it and having a loved one with an eating disorder adds a whole extra layer of challenges. Perhaps you and your parenting partner are not on the...

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Preventing Holiday Stress – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Preventing Holiday Stress – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Next week Intern Anna is sharing some wonderful tips for relieving holiday stress. Her article is already HERE on my website. So if my tips today for preventing holiday stress don’t resonate or work for you, take a sneak peek at her tips for relieving some of that...

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6 Tips for Relieving Holiday Stress -by,  Intern Anna

6 Tips for Relieving Holiday Stress -by, Intern Anna

Thank you to Intern Anna for filling in for me again this week while I'm resting and not having holiday stress here in Southern Spain. I am benefitting from the beautiful holiday lights the Spaniards have placed all over their adorable towns.  Take care and I hope...

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Intern Anna’s Tips for Getting Back on Track in Recovery

Intern Anna’s Tips for Getting Back on Track in Recovery

Today as I was bicycling through Seville, Spain I was thinking about how grateful I am for Intern Anna for sharing her words of wisdom so I could be relaxing and enjoying touring this fascinating city. Tomorrow as I celebrate my birthday this weekend we head south to...

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How to Survive Thanksgiving – Intern Anna’s 5 Tips

How to Survive Thanksgiving – Intern Anna’s 5 Tips

Family caregivers have shared often lamented how utterly painful and difficult the holidays are for their loved one with an eating disorder. Thanksgiving typically being the most difficult with so much of the focus on food for many families. This week while I'm in...

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How to Ask for Help – by Intern Anna

How to Ask for Help – by Intern Anna

Ola, I'm sending you good thoughts from Portugal. Thank you for your kind concern and good thoughts as I recovered from Covid - 2nd time this year. I'm really done with this thing. My lungs took a hit but they're slowly coming back and thankfully my brain is finally...

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Challenging Exercise Compulsions – by Intern Anna

Challenging Exercise Compulsions – by Intern Anna

While I’m beginning our 3 months in Europe, Intern Anna is filling in for me. We made it safely and smoothly to Croatia from Minnesota despite all of the air travel staffing shortages happening worldwide. Croatia is a beautiful place to explore the outdoors, one day...

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