
A family caregiver’s role is important no matter the age of the child.

We don’t stop loving or caring about our child just because they hit the magical age of 18.

Parents of those over 18 experience extra helplessness due to the fact that their child is now a “legal adult” in society.

When I recommend these parents can help their child by doing their “parallel process” it can be confusing as to what that might look like. I’ve written previous blog posts on this so this one will be very to the point and has 10 ways caregivers can do their parallel process.

  1. Hope – Hold onto and nurture hope in yourself and your adult child. We never know what the tipping point will be for each person.
  2. Boundary Setting -Have clarity on your values so you can set expectations/boundaries  more easily.
  3. Boundary follow through -Follow through on consequences of agreed upon expectations is vital, it is not punitive.
  4. Fear – Be aware of when fear is driving decisions and when your wise mind is doing so.
  5. Distress Tolerance – Learn skills to feel calm and confident to reduce your distress and be able to tolerate your child’s distress.
  6. Communication – Become effective at tools to communicate with your adult child and their treatment team.
  7. Self-Care – Extreme and massive self-care will help you keep your oxygen mask FIRMLY in place. This is NOT selfish – it is essential.
  8. Emotions -Doing our own work with addressing our own emotions not only models this for our kids, it also  helps us be more calm, compassionate and confident.
  9. Education – learn about Health At Every Size (HAES) and why weight stigma fuels the ed. My motto – Ed(ucation) stops Ed. 😉
  10. Enabling – Get support to learn what it is and how it doesn’t help and what to do differently. It’s hard when it feels like a train is coming straight at your kid.

Doing any or all of these things is easier said than done. You don’t have to do it alone. We’ve created the HUG Kits and the Recovery Roadmaps webinar series, “Going From Panic to Plan” to help you more easily learn all of these important roles.

More focus on supporting the caregivers is the change I’m pushing for so we can see more positive outcomes for the entire family. One action I’m taking here at Hope Network, LLC toward that goal is in training more folks in the coaching model we’re using that includes utilizing the aforementioned HUG Kits.

If you, a clinician or coach you know would like to find out more about our Eating Disorder Caregiver Coach (EDCC) Training, let me know and we can chat. Time is running out to apply to participate in our 2023 training. Contact us this week to see if you qualify.