10 Holiday Stress Tips for Eating Disorders Caregivers – by, Becky Henry, CPCC
We are in the darkest days of the winter and deep into the holiday season (read ‘stress’ for moms traditionally) and winter school break for many. The need for self care and reducing our stress has become even more needed than usual. Your presence in my life is a...
Wonder Instead of Fear, by Becky Henry, CPCC
won·der /ˈwəndər/ noun 1.a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. "he had stood in front of it, observing the intricacy of the ironwork with the wonder of a child" verb 1. desire or be...
Calming our Mom Brain – by, Becky Henry, CPCC
Here in the midst of the holiday season, many of us are having to release expectations of what we’d hoped our holidays might be like prior to Covid-19. It’s more important than ever to work at being calm, grounded and confident. This is challenging for anyone, and...
Expanding Hope in the Face of Despair, by Becky Henry, CPCC
Somehow we all have this most unusual Thanksgiving behind us. I hope you were able to have some moments of joy and gratitude amidst so much despair around us all. My thoughts are with each of you who felt loneliness, grief and/or despair during this holiday. During...
Winds of Change bring Hope – by, Becky Henry, CPCC
Last week I wrote about resilience as we all find ways to cope during this ongoing pandemic and one of the most stressful election seasons many of us have ever experienced. Being a caregiver of a loved one with an eating disorder is extremely stress filled in...
Resilience for Eating Disorder Caregivers, by Becky Henry, CPCC
Have you been wishing you could hibernate like the bears too? I’m noticing I want to sleep a LOT lately. Not only are the hours of sunlight decreasing here in the northern hemisphere and the days getting colder, the world has become a very uncertain and scary place....
Trusting Yourself as an Eating Disorder Caregiver, by Becky Henry, CPCC
You may have noticed there was no newsletter last week...so many of us are just trying to keep putting one foot in front of the other in the midst of this ongoing pandemic and societal mayhem. In addition to all of that and an October 16th snowfall, I was creating a...
Struggling and Self Compassion
Even with a pretty conscious self grounding practice, it’s been a challenge to say the least to not be on an emotional rollercoaster this year. Right? We are each struggling in our own ways. For those who follow my work you know I’m constantly beating the drum of self...
Weight Stigma During Weight Stigma Awareness Week
On the plus side (see what I did there?) I love irony. 😉 As Maya Angleou said, “When we know better, we do better.” As a teen, I bought the belief that being thin was important and dieting, food restriction and exercise to compensate for what I ate were what I...
Self Care; Choosing What to Focus On, by Becky Henry, CPCC
As I was looking past the pink post it notes all over my windows to keep the birds from meeting an untimely death on my patio down below, I was reminded that we get to choose what we focus on. I’m training myself to look past those pink pieces of paper and see the...
Compassion Might Help Caregivers Too, by Becky Henry, CPCC
In the midst of a global pandemic, wildfires and too many more horrible things to list, babies are being born. The despair, sadness and fear are opposed by emotions of joy, hope and beauty. Both can exist. “Both, and” is an expression I learned many long years ago in...
How to Help Adults Who Don’t Want Help with Eating Disorders, by Becky Henry, CPCC
If you love, care about someone who is in recovery from an eating disorder, you may be feeling helpless, overwhelmed, afraid, upset, and more. And if your loved one is over 18 you might fear there is nothing you can do to help them with recovery from one of these...
Hopelessness Help, by Becky Henry, CPCC
Even if you don’t watch the news, we all know someone who is in some way affected by the plethora of problems plaguing the people of this planet. Sorry, not sorry about the alliteration (micro moment of joy is what that is). Between the wildfires, hurricanes,...
Pandemic Ponderings & Paradox Perspectives, by Becky Henry, CPCC
On the one hand, I cannot fathom how it’s already the end of August and on the other hand, February feels like it was 5 years ago. Both feel true at times. It’s in this uncertainty and timelessness where some of us with our basic needs met are noticing the juiciness...
9 Reasons for Caregivers of those with Eating Disorders to have Hope Now, by Becky Henry, CPCC
What does having hope have to do with helping families impacted by eating disorders? And why did I call my business “Hope Network, LLC” when the data is so dire? Hopelessness is a common feeling family caregivers of those with eating disorders report when they first...
How Caregivers Can Use Values to Make Decisions, by Becky Henry, CPCC
“Who do you be?” That is a question most coaches are familiar with even though it is improper English. Gaining clarity on who we are and what matters to us gives us insight into not only ourselves but gives us insight and clarity on our values. What does this have to...
Adapting to Living with Eating Disorders During a Pandemic, by Becky Henry, CPCC
Learning to live in the new reality of having a child with an eating disorder is a process of acceptance that takes a while. And doing that in the middle of a worldwide pandemic adds extra layers of complications and distress to your already mile high cake of chaos....
Can we Be Okay if Our Kids Don’t Recover From an Eating Disorder?, by Becky Henry, CPCC
After listening to this interview https://youtu.be/wN_uzn9ct8w of Carolyn Costin today about Authenticity I got to thinking about what might be possible if parents and other family caregivers were able to embrace this concept of non-judgment or impartiality about...
Radical Acceptance for Parents of those with Eating Disorders, by Becky Henry, CPCC
It’s especially difficult to accept what is when we don’t like what the reality is. Our world is currently giving us plenty of examples every day of difficult realities to accept. Dozens of opportunities arise to practice this acceptance when we are the family member...
COVID19 & Eating Disorders Caregiving; Extreme Self Care Hacks
Between preparing for my first training course to teach other's to do the work I do and fine tuning the webinar series Ibbits Newhall, Wendy Wright and I are creating for families via Recovery Roadmap Specialists and learning how to stay sane and safe during a...
Hot Holidays and Healthy Hints for Helpers (aka: Caregivers)
Yes, I like alliterations. Plus I have a pal who purposely puts punny, pithy platitudes in her prose that are positively pleasing.. 😉 So it’s HOT - at least in the Northern Hemisphere. And I’m of Norwegian descent and my body tells me to go look for a snowbank to...
Confidence While Caregiving a Child with an Eating Disorder, by Becky Henry, CPCC
Much like an athletic coach, part of my role is to remind my clients (much like the players in a sport) what they’re in the game for. What the end goal is. Staying focused on the goal when confidence is eroded is challenging. What gets in the way of being confident...
Rescuing a Loved One with an Eating Disorder, by Becky Henry
Shift is happening in our world. Big time. And those with eating disorders and other mental illnesses are struggling big time. It's a hard time that is making it harder to be in recovery. Watching a child with a life threatening illness is brutal. No way around it....
Momma, Mom, Mommy, Mother, Mama...no matter how you say it or spell it, we have each other’s backs and one another’s children’s backs. Thank you to all who have reached out to check on my safety as my hometown is (as are many of yours) under attack by extremists who...
Tips for Being vs. Doing During the Pandemic
We’re being bombarded with messages to accomplish great things during this pandemic all while processing and coming to terms with the facts about the various ways our lives have changed. Many people have shared that life in general has begun to feel like some strange...