How to Support a Loved One with an Eating Disorder Without Enabling – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

How to Support a Loved One with an Eating Disorder Without Enabling – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Every day in the USA at least 23 people die from eating disorders. The line between being a supportive caregiver or parent, and enabling a family member struggling with an eating disorder can become blurry when fears run the show. Enabling is defined as ‘Protecting...
Joy and Sorrow Can Co-exist for Caregivers – by, Becky Henry, CPCC, ACC

Joy and Sorrow Can Co-exist for Caregivers – by, Becky Henry, CPCC, ACC

While waking up this morning this all came to me in about 15 minutes. You see, today, after a month of alternately working my tail off and walking my talk of life balance with self-care, fun, friends and colleagues, my family are coming to visit us in Palm Desert and...
How to Cope this Thanksgiving – Intern Anna’s 5 Tips

How to Cope this Thanksgiving – Intern Anna’s 5 Tips

Family caregivers have shared how utterly painful and difficult the holidays are for their loved one with an eating disorder. Thanksgiving typically being the most difficult with so much of the focus on food for many families. Last year Intern Anna shared her helpful...
Caregiver Fear Can be a Barrier to Recovery – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Caregiver Fear Can be a Barrier to Recovery – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Fear is a normal response when a loved one is in crisis. Fear can take away our capacity to engage our wise minds and can spiral us into trying to handle what is not ours to handle. The line between being a supportive caregiver or parent, and enabling a family member...
What We Wish Recovery Looked Like – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

What We Wish Recovery Looked Like – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Family caregivers of those with eating disorders often STILL get a bad rap. Thankfully, many clinicians now see the value in supporting these caregivers who are typically trying to help save a family member’s life. It’s still very common sadly to hear clinicians say...