by Henry Becky | Jul 4, 2020 | Boundaries, Caregiving, COVID19, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Holidays, Hope, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Yes, I like alliterations. Plus I have a pal who purposely puts punny, pithy platitudes in her prose that are positively pleasing.. 😉 So it’s HOT – at least in the Northern Hemisphere. And I’m of Norwegian descent and my body tells me to go look for a snowbank... by Henry Becky | Apr 12, 2020 | Boundaries, Caregiving, COVID19, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Education, Holidays, Hope, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
As we are in this holy week for so many who observe various religious traditions, this quarantine/lock-down/shelter-in-place takes an even bigger toll on our inability to gather with some or all of our loved ones. We are all experiencing some level of grief whether... by Henry Becky | Dec 29, 2019 | Caregiving, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Education, Holidays, Hope, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Driving on the left side of the road is such a metaphor for how adaptable we need to be in life in general. It made me think of eating disorders caregivers and how adaptability can make the whole journey easier and less stressful. Here are a few metaphors for... by Henry Becky | Dec 23, 2019 | Holidays, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Hi all, Here is the Holidays and Eating Disorders Caregivers Tweet Chat we held on December 23, 2019 with Monte Nido and Affiliates Clinical Director of The Woodlands in Texas, Bridget McCauley and Monte Nido’s media specialist, Cassie Sullivan. 12:10 pm Q1. How... by Henry Becky | Nov 23, 2019 | Caregiving, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Education, Holidays, Hope, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Going into Thanksgiving week when we have a child or other loved one with an eating disorder or other behavioral health issue, can bring a range of emotions that are not festive or joyful. To say the least. My heart is with each of you as you face the challenges that... by Henry Becky | Jul 7, 2019 | Boundaries, Caregiving, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Holidays, HUG Kits, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Every single parent with whom I’ve spoken over the past 16 years who has a child with an eating disorder would like for that child to have freedom and independence from that eating disorder. Hopefully your Independence Day weekend celebrations have allowed you some...