Three Reasons to Set Firm Boundaries AND Enforce Them – Becky Henry, CPCC

Three Reasons to Set Firm Boundaries AND Enforce Them – Becky Henry, CPCC

Falling prey to all of the chaos and fear of the eating disorder (ed) is common, even to be expected. Learning to live in-tune with our own desires, needs, and feelings and set boundaries aligned with our values takes intentionality and support. Boundaries are not...
Tips for Supporting a Solid Recovery – by, Intern Anna

Tips for Supporting a Solid Recovery – by, Intern Anna

Family caregivers often share their distress about how to continue to support a loved one in recovery when they have stepped down to lower levels of care. It’s really hard when we’re afraid for our loved one’s life to focus on what we can do to...

Why do Caregivers Need Help with Self Care? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Thankfully most treatment now includes some sort of education and possibly some support for the family caregivers. We’re getting closer to it becoming mainstream to include family caregivers in the “treatment team.” Sadly, it still is uncommon...
Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery – by Intern Anna

Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery – by Intern Anna

Today Intern Anna is sharing insights on judgments. ~ Becky Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery – by Intern Anna How often do you make judgments about yourself and those around you? If you are being honest, probably quite often. And you aren’t alone. I find...
Coping with Transitions as a Caregiver – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Coping with Transitions as a Caregiver – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Transitions can be tricky! As I’m transitioning to a new place to stay in Southern, California after 3 months in Europe I’m reminded of the tools I often work with clients to practice when a loved one is in yet another transition. Often the hardest one is...