What We Wish Recovery Looked Like – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

What We Wish Recovery Looked Like – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Family caregivers of those with eating disorders often STILL get a bad rap. Thankfully, many clinicians now see the value in supporting these caregivers who are typically trying to help save a family member’s life. It’s still very common sadly to hear clinicians say...
How to Practice Resilience as a Caregiver – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

How to Practice Resilience as a Caregiver – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Hello Dear Caregivers and Clinical Colleagues, I hope you are able to have some moments to renew your spirits this holiday weekend. Not only are the hours of sunlight short in the northern hemisphere and the coming days getting cooler (thank goodness after what has...
Can Boundaries Help Caregiver Effectiveness? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Can Boundaries Help Caregiver Effectiveness? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Often I hear the raw terror from parents and partners telling me they are so uncertain about how to support a loved one with an eating disorder. There may be the sadness and fear about your child or partner who has been physically harming themselves and often...
How Caregivers Can Have Freedom from Ed – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

How Caregivers Can Have Freedom from Ed – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

As I was lying in a zero gravity chair in the Irish countryside watching clouds float by after a 90 minute massage to work out the kinks from various mediocre air bnb beds, I thought about caregivers, parents in particular, finding this kind of rest. And yes, I was...

Supporting Young Adults in Eating Disorder Recovery – by, Brianna Ripoli, MPS, LPCC and Katie Gilder, MPH, RD, LD

Happy July! I hope you’re enjoying summer. I’m in Ireland now with family and as part of my SELF CARE, I’m inviting colleagues to share insights and helpful information as guest bloggers. If you’d like to participate, please reach out. This...