Social Media Can be the Thief of Joy – Intern Anna for Becky Henry, CPCC

Social Media Can be the Thief of Joy – Intern Anna for Becky Henry, CPCC

Due to the shame and secrecy with eating disorders and the fact that parents are not attached at the hip to their kids, it is often very well into the illness that parents become aware that detrimental social media behavior is occurring. The vast majority of parents...
Why Pride & Eating Disorders? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Why Pride & Eating Disorders? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Why is it important to talk about Pride during June when our focus here is support for caregivers of those with eating disorders? I’d love to hear your thoughts after you read my thoughts as well as those of 2TravelDads. My Top 3 Reasons Why Pride is Important for...

LGBTQ+ Youth and Eating Disorders – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

LGBTQ Health Awareness Week Last week, we celebrated the 20th National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week, which intends to promote mental health and trans health awareness for the LGBTQ community as well as professionals within and allies of the community. This year’s theme...