by Henry Becky | Jun 5, 2023 | Advocacy, Body Image, Bullying, Caregiving, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Hope, HUG Kits, PRIDE, Recovery, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Why is it important to talk about Pride during June when our focus here is support for caregivers of those with eating disorders? I’d love to hear your thoughts after you read my thoughts as well as those of 2TravelDads. My Top 3 Reasons Why Pride is Important for...
by Henry Becky | May 13, 2023 | Caregiving, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Hope, HUG Kits, Mindfulness, Self Care, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Describing the love a mother feels for her children is easier said than done. You see those of us who have had the honor of becoming moms/mums never had any idea of the intensity, immensity and unreasonability of the love we would feel for these humans. Seriously, no... by Henry Becky | Mar 11, 2023 | Advocacy, Boundaries, Caregiving, Communication, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Fear, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers, Treatment
Thankfully most treatment now includes some sort of education and possibly some support for the family caregivers. We’re getting closer to it becoming mainstream to include family caregivers in the “treatment team.” Sadly, it still is uncommon...
by Henry Becky | Mar 8, 2023 | Body Image, Caregiving, Communication, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Education, Hope, Mindfulness, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Today Intern Anna is sharing insights on judgments. ~ Becky Judgments & Eating Disorder Recovery – by Intern Anna How often do you make judgments about yourself and those around you? If you are being honest, probably quite often. And you aren’t alone. I find...
by Henry Becky | Jan 8, 2023 | Advocacy, Body Image, Caregiving, COVID19, Education, Hope, HUG Kits, Pandemic, Self Care, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers, Treatment
Amidst all of the talk of New Years Resolutions and New Year, New You, it can be tempting to judge ourselves and our actions. Sometimes, especially early January when the days are short and cold in the Northern Hemisphere, it can be helpful to just rest and relax. See...
by Henry Becky | Nov 18, 2022 | Caregiving, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Education, Fear, Gratitude, Holidays, Hope, Mindfulness, Recovery, Self Care, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Family caregivers have shared often lamented how utterly painful and difficult the holidays are for their loved one with an eating disorder. Thanksgiving typically being the most difficult with so much of the focus on food for many families. This week while I’m...