Resilience for Eating Disorder Caregivers, by Becky Henry, CPCC

Resilience for Eating Disorder Caregivers, by Becky Henry, CPCC

Have you been wishing you could hibernate like the bears too? I’m noticing I want to sleep a LOT lately. Not only are the hours of sunlight decreasing here in the northern hemisphere and the days getting colder, the world has become a very uncertain and scary place....
Weight Stigma During Weight Stigma Awareness Week

Weight Stigma During Weight Stigma Awareness Week

On the plus side (see what I did there?) I love irony. 😉  As Maya Angleou said, “When we know better, we do better.” As a teen, I bought the belief that being thin was important and dieting, food restriction and exercise to compensate for what I ate were what I should...
Rescuing a Loved One with an Eating Disorder, by Becky Henry

Rescuing a Loved One with an Eating Disorder, by Becky Henry

Shift is happening in our world. Big time. And those with eating disorders and other mental illnesses are struggling big time. It’s a hard time that is making it harder to be in recovery. Watching a child with a life threatening illness is brutal. No way around...