Hope in Recovery – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Hope in Recovery – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Celebrating National Month of Hope 🧡 – Finding Hope in Recovery Did you know that April is the National Month of Hope? It serves as the perfect reminder to believe that things will work out, even when it seems like the deck is stacked against you. As I wrote in...
Accepting Our Loved One’s Where They are At – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Accepting Our Loved One’s Where They are At – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Before you pull all of your hair out and scream, “THERE IS  NO WAY I’M GOING TO ACCEPT THAT THIS IS WHERE MY LOVED ONE IS AT!” Please read the next sentence as well. When we can lovingly accept our loved one, no matter what awful stuff is happening, WHILE holding onto...

LGBTQ+ Youth and Eating Disorders – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

LGBTQ Health Awareness Week Last week, we celebrated the 20th National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week, which intends to promote mental health and trans health awareness for the LGBTQ community as well as professionals within and allies of the community. This year’s theme...
Anosognosia in Eating Disorders – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Anosognosia in Eating Disorders – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Last week I heard this story on the radio (you can read it here in LAist) here in Southern California about anosognosia in mental illness. It both made me both happy and sad to see attention being given to this topic of lack of awareness of one’s mental illnesses...
Reducing Fear in Parenting – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Reducing Fear in Parenting – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

No one prepares a parent for watching a child break a dish and then cut themselves with it because they are terrified of eating what is on the plate. No one is there to help them cope in that moment with the terror they are all feeling.  Often parents share harrowing...