by Henry Becky | May 7, 2022 | Body Image, Caregiving, College, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Health At Every Size, Recovery, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Summer Intern Anna is back! And she’s writing for me two times a month this summer! Enjoy her hard earned wisdom as a person in solid recovery! ~ Becky How does social media affect you? – by Intern Anna I’m back again on the topic of social media. This... by Henry Becky | May 1, 2022 | Caregiving, Communication, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Fear, Hope, Oxygen Mask, Recovery, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Happy May Day! After a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad April (yes, it was that bad and I know I’m not alone in this), I’m very happy it is May and my intention is that it will be MAHvelous (thank you Billy Crystal for that word). This is my HOPE.... by Henry Becky | Apr 24, 2022 | Advocacy, Caregiving, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Hope, Joy, Oxygen Mask, Self Care, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Celebrating National Month of Hope 🧡 – Finding Hope in Recovery Did you know that April is the National Month of Hope? It serves as the perfect reminder to believe that things will work out, even when it seems like the deck is stacked against you. As I wrote in... by Henry Becky | Mar 27, 2022 | Advocacy, Body Image, Bullying, Caregiving, College, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Support, Tools for Caregivers
LGBTQ Health Awareness Week Last week, we celebrated the 20th National LGBTQ Health Awareness Week, which intends to promote mental health and trans health awareness for the LGBTQ community as well as professionals within and allies of the community. This year’s theme... by Henry Becky | Feb 19, 2022 | Advocacy, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Gratitude, Grief, Hope, Recovery, Support, Tools for Caregivers
Last week you may have noticed there was no newsletter from me…as part of my plan to increase the access for families to more support, I was leading another training of Eating Disorder Caregiver (EDC) Coaches. I’ll be passing most clients onto these new coaches AND... by Henry Becky | Jan 9, 2022 | Advocacy, Caregiving, Distress - Yours, Mine and Ours, Eating Disorders Resources, Education, Recovery, Shame, Support, Tools for Caregivers, Treatment
Last week I heard this story on the radio (you can read it here in LAist) here in Southern California about anosognosia in mental illness. It both made me both happy and sad to see attention being given to this topic of lack of awareness of one’s mental illnesses...