Social Media Can be the Thief of Joy – Intern Anna for Becky Henry, CPCC

Social Media Can be the Thief of Joy – Intern Anna for Becky Henry, CPCC

Due to the shame and secrecy with eating disorders and the fact that parents are not attached at the hip to their kids, it is often very well into the illness that parents become aware that detrimental social media behavior is occurring. The vast majority of parents...
Why is Self Love Needed for Caregivers? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Why is Self Love Needed for Caregivers? – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

What is self love? Why is it important while caregiving a loved one with an eating disorder? How do we practice self love? WHAT IS SELF LOVE? This week I learned of a school district in Mississippi that sent home a letter with middle school students informing them and...
Coping with Holiday Body Image Challenges – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Coping with Holiday Body Image Challenges – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Toward the end of each  year we see even more messaging than usual that we should be afraid of how we look and we should “manage” our holiday foods and therefore, our  size or our lives will be a disaster. Even when we have learned about Health At Every Size (HAES)...
Holidays and Caregiving – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

Holidays and Caregiving – by, Becky Henry, CPCC

How do we support a loved one in eating disorder recovery when a holiday is as focused on food as some traditional Thanksgiving celebrations have become? Previously, I have offered up the possibility of simply skipping a holiday that makes being in treatment for an...
Weight Stigma During Weight Stigma Awareness Week

Weight Stigma During Weight Stigma Awareness Week

On the plus side (see what I did there?) I love irony. 😉  As Maya Angleou said, “When we know better, we do better.” As a teen, I bought the belief that being thin was important and dieting, food restriction and exercise to compensate for what I ate were what I should...